Saturday, October 27, 2007

How to lose 9 pounds, fast

I mentioned a few days ago about the Shangri-La diet.

To sum it up, this "diet" (not really a diet, more of a way to control your hunger) involves eating some calories in order to change your body's "set point" so you don't feel the hunger pangs that sometimes make us eat more than we should.

Seth Roberts (who devised the system) suggests teaspoon or so of extra-light olive oil (or some other relatively taste-free oil) or a teaspoon of sugar dissolved in a glass of water.

I'm not the biggest fan of white sugar, so I've been trying out the olive oil. I take a teaspoon an hour or so before breakfast, another mid-morning, and another mid-afternoon. Simple and easy.

And surprisingly, this really does work. You don't feel the hunger ragings that some of us with higher metabolisms feel.

I'm not heavy. I was at 191 when I started, and I'm just shy of 6 feet. But I wanted to trim off a few pounds, and get down to around 180. I figured that cutting out the snacking that I tended to do would help make that happen. It does.

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