Sunday, January 6, 2008

8 things for '08

I'm one of those people who think that new year's resolutions are a good thing.

It's a good thing to have a time every year when you look back, reflect, think about what you've done, look forward to the future, and think about things that will help you make that future a reality.

So for the next few days, I'm going to offer 8 things you can do in 2008. These are not complicated things, but they will change your life.

I'm starting with the "concrete" things. The first: start taking vitamin C.

Vitamin C is good for your health, bolsters your immune system, is indicated to help with a large number of health challenges, and there's no downside.

I take 3 grams a day when my health is normal. If I get a cold or other minor health challenge, I take another couple, usually around 5 grams a day. And because I'm lazy, and tend to forget, I take it in the form of 5 1000 mg. (1000 mg. = 1 gram) tablets in the morning with breakfast.

Just start. Make vitamin C a habit. And do it every day.

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