Thursday, January 10, 2008

Walk a mile a day: your 3rd "thing to do" for 2008

If you're big into staying fit and looking good, you might look down on today's suggestion. After all, maybe you work out, walk 3 miles a day, and do Bowflex.

But for many folks, walking a mile seems like a stretch. It's not.

Most healthy adults can walk a mile in 15 minutes. That's a brisk walk, but not strenuous. 30 minutes for a mile is easy.

And if you get started doing a mile a day, other stuff will come along. In other words, if you start walking, you'll quickly realize how good exercise feels, and you'll probably start to do more. But start with this.

It's best if you can set a time for a brisk walk. Walking in one stretch gets your breathing going well, and gives you a few minutes to clear your mind of mental cobwebs and the irritants of the day.

Find a time when you are least likely to be interrupted. Is morning best for you? How about during a lunch break? Late afternoons? At night? You know your schedule, and you know how you operate. Find the time, set it aside, and make it a goal: 1 mile, every day.

And make sure it's a mile: I clocked some distances in my car. Failing that, use a pedometer.

A pedometer is also good if you just can't set aside a time, but want to make sure you're getting in a mile. Some folks do little tricks like parking at the back of parking lots so that they have to walk further. I don't think that's quite as good as a sustained walk, but it sure beats not walking at all.

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