Saturday, December 1, 2007

Getting your oatmeal when you don't like oatmeal

Lots of foods are "good for you." But that doesn't mean you're necessarily going to like them.

Oatmeal is one such food. Yes, it's great for you: high fiber, lowers your cholesterol, filling, etc. And I happen to be one of those weird people (there seems to be less of us than there used to be) who likes oatmeal by itself: a hearty bowl of warm oats, a little salt, a little honey or brown sugar, and to me there's nothing better.

But if you don't like oatmeal, here's a way to get some oats, served up in disguise. This is a sort of template for making muffins, muffins which are easy, muffins which are good (as well as good for you), and muffins that can make do with what you've got on hand. (And they freeze well. So make a bunch, and 2 days later, when you want another one, take the frozen muffin out of the zip-loc bag in the freezer, put it on a plate, and nuke it for 35 seconds. It will be warm, soft, almost like you've just taken it from the oven).

Start the night before. Put a handful of oats in a big bowl, and cover with water. Cover the bowl with a plate. Nuke for 2 minutes or so. Take the bowl out and let it sit on the counter.

Next morning, pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees. Take the oatmeal from the bowl and pour it into the blender. Add a cup of milk (buttermilk is best, but regular milk works, too). Add an egg, and 1/4 cup of vegetable oil. If you have some leftovers -- maybe a ripe banana or leftover sweet potatoes -- add those to the mix. Whir it up until it's all mixed.

In a bowl, put 2 cups of flour (I use all whole wheat, but you can use white if so inclined. Add 3/4 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Stir together and add the blender mix. Bake in muffin tins for 15-20 minutes. Take the muffin pans out of the oven, and let them sit for 5 minutes. Then turn the pans upside down on to plates, and enjoy.

These are really good. And I dare you to find the oats.

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