Thursday, November 29, 2007

Do you ever wonder why men with beards look older?

If your answer is, "Because their beard is gray and nasty looking," you're only partly right. It's also because their skin never gets the chance to have that layer of dead skin removed every day by the simple act of shaving.

Men are lucky. We can have that dead layer of facial skin removed every day. Just by using a safety razor. Because as the blade is removing your beard, it takes off that micro-layer of dead skin.

Women have to get their skin "exfoliated" and they probably pay a fortune to do it. We get it for free.

If you're accustomed to using an electric razor, now's a good time to chuck that. What you want to use is a simple safety razor. I recommend the Mach 3 or something like that. If you've used an electric razor for years because of the pain inflicted by razors, give the new varieties a try. They exfoliate your skin, shave your beard, and don't leave blood all over the bathroom.

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