Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Vitamin B12 Keeps Your Brain Young

Older individuals with low levels of vitamin B12 are at increased risk
of having brain atrophy or shrinkage. Brain atrophy is associated with
Alzheimer's disease and impaired cognitive function.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a public health problem, especially among
older people.

In a study involving more than 100 volunteers aged 61 to 87, all
participants underwent annual clinical exams, MRI scans and cognitive tests,
and had blood samples taken. Individuals with lower vitamin B12 levels at
the start of the study had a greater decrease in brain volume. Those with
the lowest B12 levels had a sixfold greater rate of brain volume loss
compared with those who had the highest levels.

However, none of the participants were actually deficient in vitamin
B12 -- they just had low levels within a normal range.

Other risk factors for brain atrophy include high blood pressure,
diabetes and high cholesterol.
a.. U.S. News & World Report September 8, 2008
a.. Neurology 2008; 71: 826-832

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

The first thing that jumped out at me about this study wasn't only the
benefits of vitamin B12, but the risk that's there if your levels are low.
Not deficient, necessarily, just within the low range of normal

"Our results suggest that rather than maintaining one's B12 at a level
that is just above the cut off for deficiency, it might be prudent to aim to
keep it higher up than normal range," the study's lead researcher said.

This is really important to hear, as most people would assume that if
their levels are within the normal range, they're fine. In reality, you
cannot always count on the "normal" reference ranges that come with your
blood tests. Vitamin D is another example of a test that lists "normal"
ranges that are not nearly adequate to keep you healthy.

This really reminds me in many ways of the story of vitamin D. For
many decades the "experts" believed that all you needed was 400 units per
day. Now we know that you need about ten times that much or the equivalent
amount of sun to produce that in your skin.

To really know if your nutrient levels are where they should be to
keep you optimally healthy, you need to do some major research of your own
(seeking out scientific studies like this one), or you need to seek the
guidance of a health care practitioner who thinks outside of the box -- and
understands that there is a major difference between "average" and

Getting back to vitamin B12, though, there are many important reasons
to make sure you're getting enough in your diet.

Why is Vitamin B12 so Important?

It's been estimated that 40 percent of the U.S. population is
deficient in vitamin B12, a serious public health problem when you consider
how important this vitamin is for your health. Vitamin B12:

. Is needed for proper digestion, food absorption, carbohydrate and
fat metabolism.
. Helps folic acid regulate the formation of red blood cells, and
helps your body use iron.
. Keep your nervous system healthy by assisting the nerves of your
body to function and communicate in an optimal manner.
. Helps in cell formation and cellular longevity.
. Helps support female reproductive health.

. Promote normal nerve growth and development by maintaining the fatty
sheaths. These fatty sheaths play a vital role as they cover and protect
your nerve endings.
. Is critical to your circulation and adrenal hormone production
. Helps boost your immunity.
. Supports a healthy mood and feelings of well-being, and provides
excellent support for your memory, mental clarity, and concentration.
. Helps to boost your energy levels.

Who is at Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

The group most at risk is those who do not eat meat or animal
products. Vitamin B12 deficiency is VERY common, almost universal, in strict
vegetarians and vegans, as vitamin B12 is NOT readily available, if at all,
in plants.

Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal tissues, including
foods like beef and beef liver, lamb, snapper, venison, salmon, shrimp,
scallops, poultry and eggs. And, the few plant foods that are sources of B12
are actually B12 analogs. Simply put, an analog is a substance that blocks
the uptake of true B12. The result being, your body's need for the nutrient
actually increases.

You may also be at risk of B12 deficiency if you have stomach
problems. This is because B12 needs the help of a protein in order to be
absorbed. That protein is called intrinsic factor, and if your stomach is
irritated or inflamed, it may stop producing intrinsic factor, making it
nearly impossible for your body to absorb B12.

Other factors also influence your body's B12 levels:

. Age: People over 50 tend to have a limited ability to absorb B12.

. Drinking coffee: A study in Clinical Chemistry found that people who
drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a 15 percent reduction in
multiple B vitamins compared to those who drank no coffee.

. Taking medications: Many prescription drugs diminish your body's
levels of B12, including antibiotics, anticancer medications,
anticonvulsants, anti-gout medications, antihypertensives, antiParkinson's
medications, antipsychotics, antituberculosis medications, birth control
pills, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and potassium replacements.

. Those who have undergone weight-loss surgery, which can impair your
body's ability to absorb B12 and other vitamins.

. Those exposed to laughing gas anesthesia or nitrous oxide.

If you are concerned about getting enough vitamin B12, it is important
to know that most oral vitamin B12 supplements do not work well at all.
Vitamin B12 is the largest vitamin known and it is not easily absorbed.

Ideally, you should make sure you're getting plenty of vitamin B12 by
eating animal foods that are right for your nutritional type, and follow the
advice in Take Control of Your Health to overcome any stomach issues that
may be inhibiting your absorption.

If you do choose to supplement, studies show that sublingual
(under-the-tongue) forms of vitamin B12 are better absorbed by your
bloodstream than tablet or inhaled (through your nose) versions.

1 comment:

Adelaide said...

Really great article, I've always thought that vitamin B12 didn't get enough love. This article definitely makes you want to add it to your diet.

Very Smart Health Solutions