Friday, June 13, 2008

Focus on what you can do

"Many people go through life filled with resentment and bitterness about what isn't working, what they don't have, what they wish they had, what other people have that they don't have, and so on. This is the wrong orientation toward life. A better orientation is to begin with what you DO have and build from there. Take note of your strengths and build upon them. Do not waste time fretting about what you cannot do. Focus on what you can do - then make plans to turn the things you cannot do into things you can do - even if it means enlisting the help of others. There are many things I cannot currently do that I get done because I'm willing to allow others to help me. Knowing this allows me to focus on what I do best - and if I continually do what I do best - I'll get more accomplished in less time."

Matt Furey

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